Hi There! I’m Shelle

Founder Of HerFaithVillage.com Ministries

And Chief Editor/Webmaster of HerWomensHub.com

As the HerWomensHub.com Founder, Chief Editor, And Webmaster I thank you for stopping by.

I developed HerWomensHub.com to help equip Christian women in discipleship, to share the Gospel with Non-Christian women and enable all women to find the tools, resources, links, information, and insights they need to help navigate this thing called life.

Here’s a little about me:

Who Is She In A Nutshell?

I’m a…

Jesus lover. Baker. Family Chef.  Techie. Coffee Connoisseur. Wife. Daughter. Sister.Aunt. Friend. Author. Speaker. Evangelist. Business Woman. Movie Lover. Artist. Choir Director. Ministry Leader. Closet Comedian. Nature Lover. Family-Minded.  A Work In Progress…and a lover of all things that draw me closer to Christ.

What Family Looks Like

I was raised by a single mom who taught me that strength comes from God; always have a plan B; and live by the choices I make; I am the oldest of three and am extremely close to my brother and sister who are my friends, confidants, accountability partners, and sometimes even my advisers; I have been married for 28 years and am blessed that God gave me a husband that allows me to answer God’s calling on my life no matter what it may be at the time or where it may take me; My niece is my buddy and constant reminder to practice what I preach; My dad and I are learning how to be father and daughter and how to love each other in a way that brings glory to God.

What My Faith Looks Like

My faith is what makes me who I am. My walk with Christ is moment-by-moment, day-by-day. He prunes me, shapes me, grows me, and molds me constantly to be the woman, the Christian that He wants me to be. Sometimes what He reveals is uncomfortable, and sometimes it’s downright ugly but I’ve learned to trust that although I’m a work in progress, in Christ I am made perfect and the growing pains that I experience in my walk with Him is all a part of growing up.

To learn more about Shelle Visit: shellefrelo.com

Take a moment and visit with us. I pray that you see the love of Christ in every page.


The Ministry Of Marriage-Podcasts

Shelle Frelo (Author)

About the podcast:
Marriage is a ministry because marriage is a reflection of Christ’s love and relationship with the church. As Christians become one body with Christ upon Salvation, so does the man and woman become one upon being married. “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Mark 10:9 NIV Dating with purpose is allowing God to lead you to your mate.

Freeze, Seek,Surrender: Book 1 Fallow Ground

by Shelle Frelo (Author), La Chaundra Cooper (Illustrator)


The first book of the Freeze, Seek, Surrender Bible study series entitled “Fallow Ground” is designed to help you begin to churn the spiritual fallow ground in your life, through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Fallow Ground is defined as soil that has been left unseeded, uncultivated, unfertilized, and un-watered for a long time, this causes the soil to become hard and unfit for planting. It’s only after churning the earth to expose the fertile soil that the land becomes fit for planting again. This describes the lives of many Christian women today.

Many of us look and act like godly women on the outside, but on the inside, deep within our spirit, we have parts of our lives that have become hard and unfit for spiritual planting. Areas that are hidden, ignored, uncultivated, not surrendered, or even worse, areas that are filled with spiritual weeds and overgrowth, the areas that stunt our spiritual growth and stifle our intimacy with Christ.

Freeze, Seek, Surrender: Book 2 Living Your Best Faith

by Shelle Frelo (Author), La Chaundra Cooper (Illustrator)

Book 2 of 6: Freeze, Seek, Surrender

Book 2 is all about learning to ‘Live Your Best Faith’. Our study helps us shed those spiritual bad habits and routines that cause our faith and our relationship with Christ to become stagnated. We will learn the principal steps of how to implement the changes revealed through the Word of God to grow more into the character of Christ. Throughout the study, we will immerse ourselves in scripture, journaling, reflection, prayer, fasting, devotionals, and revelation of self through the Holy Spirit.

Chapter Titles:
Session 1….. You Got Power! 2 Peter 1
Session 2….. Heart+Thoughts= Moments Matthew 15
Session 3….. Foolish or Wise Matthew 25:1-13
Session 4….. 8 Words That Shape Our Faith I Peter 2:1-2
Session 5….. Faith Colossians 1
Session 6….. The New You Colossians 2
Session 7….. Her Mindset Colossians 3
Session 8….. Religion vs Christ-follower Luke 6

Freeze Seek Surrender: Book 3 'Her Womanhood'

Shelle Frelo (Author) , La Chaundra Cooper (Illustrator)

In Book 3 of our series, we will begin to understand and appreciate our ‘Womanhood’, with its flaws and its blessings, and its struggles. We will dare to ask the question is womanhood a divine appointment or a self-imposed curse. We will follow the journey of womanhood wherever the Holy Spirit takes us and come out on the other side with a better appreciation, knowledge, and revelation of this creation called WOMAN. Book 3: ‘Her Womanhood’ is all about thriving in our faith. We will examine how to live a sustaining, empowering, and stabilizing faith through the Word of God. Book 3 helps us come to terms with those taboo subjects that we all struggle with but few of us in the church discuss.

Chapter Titles
Session 1….. Women of Bible: A Divine Appointment or Self Imposed Curse
Session 2….. Balance Spirit /Life Balance
Session 3….. Emotions-Being Led by or In control Of
Session 4….. Brokenness Understanding, confronting and conquering ‘The Broken Spirit’
Session 5….. She Ages Aging in wisdom, grace, faith, and mindset
Session 6….. Personal Discipline: self-discipline through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit
Session 7….. Her Sisterhood: Building – Maintaining – Deepening God Glorifying Friendships/Sisterhoods
Session 8….. Sex & Her Womanhood: Understanding Sex, its impact, and more on a woman’s life.

HerBibleStudies.com offers free study classes for those that have verified purchases ofthe study book. Signup at HerBibleStudies.com

Book 4 Freeze, Seek,Surrender: Book 4 War Aint Pretty

by Shelle Frelo (Author), La Chaundra Cooper (Illustrator)

 5.0 out of 5 stars 

Book 4 Introduction:

Ladies, it’s time to pull our hair back, take off our heels, and clothe ourselves for WAR. Because, the simple truth is, no matter how much of a southern bell or diva we may think we are, ‘WAR Aint Pretty’, and our eternal enemy is kickin butt and taken names. It’s time to learn to fight. This study is all about learning to do battle God’s way. Faith, Armor, Battle, War…All of these are elements of spiritual warfare. In this 4th book of our 5-book study series we take a in depth look at the term SPIRITUAL WARFARE and how it applies to our daily lives. In this study we examine what spiritual warfare looks like, why our armor is more than just a catch phrase of Christianity, and we learn the foundation for understanding the correlation between the battle and the war. We will walk through biblical history dissecting spiritual attacks and how they can be applied to our lives today. In our Eight-lesson study we will gain a thorough knowledge of our enemy’s tactics and schemes, and how to recognize them. Spiritual Warfare can seem scary, but don’t fear darlin! God has given us all the weapons we need for the battle, and all that we need to preserve us during the war. It’s time to get equipped because WAR AINT PRETTY. .

Lesson Titles:

Lesson 1 War Aint Pretty
Lesson 2 Judgement & Blessing
Lesson 3 Soldier or Shopper
Lesson 4 A Hard Head
Lesson 5 Foolishness
Lesson 6 Can’t Make A Cake With Car Parts
Lesson 7 Flesh & Spirit
Lesson 8 Battle Gear
Scripture Cutouts

Freeze, Seek, Surrender:Book 5 Who do you say I AM: A Study Of Understanding & Knowing The God Of Our Heart

by Shelle Frelo (Author), La Chaundra Cooper (Illustrator)

Book 5 of 6: Freeze, Seek, Surrender

Who Do You Say I AM?

In this 5th book of our 5-book study series we take examine our faith, our relationship with Christ, and Who we believe God is to us “Who Do You Say I Am?”

In this study Who is the God of our heart and how understanding Who we say God is in the areas of our life, determines the intimacy, depth, and width of our relationship with Him.

This study offers studies for groups or individuals. Our study includes:

  • Bible Reading―Each lesson has a scripture focus. The lesson’s focus scripture chapter in it’s is provided to maintain context and for reference.
  • Prayer Journaling― prayer journaling pages are included in every lesson.
  • Something To Think About―Each lesson contains inspirational readings or quotes to provoke spiritual thinking.
  • Devotional―Every lesson contains its own devotional for discussion or contemplation.

Get to know God on a more intimate level and strengthen your relationship with Christ in this Bible study for women.

6 Freeze, Seek,Surrender: Is Eternal, Eternal ? : Women's Bible Study Guide: Understanding Sin, Grace, Mercy, Faith, and Salvation

Shelle Frelo (Author) , Shelle Frelo (Cover Designer)

Book 6 Explanation:

Originally this study series was to have had just 5 books, but God had other plans. When I began to put what was to be the final book together, I realized it was no way to fit all the essential information that was needed into one book. Thus, I had to break the final book into two books. This brought me to the realization that all future Women’s Bible Studies will be authored under the ‘Freeze, Seek, Surrender’ study series. About Is Eternal, Eternal: Ladies, the act, working, and works of Salvation can be one of the most controversial discussions Christians have, they can result in very heated debates. You see, many church folk can find it hard to ask questions about what they think church folk should already know, salvation is one of those things. It doesn’t get discussed because let’s face it we don’t want our Christian brothers and sisters to look at us funny. And just to clear the air I don’t mean knowing what it takes to get saved, I mean understanding the workings of our salvation. The thing is most Christians have the viewpoint of the workings of Salvation and Christianity given to them by others yet have very little scripture knowledge of Salvation or Christianity through firsthand knowledge of scripture, which often results in them fearing to share their faith with others because of their lack of confidence, knowledge, and understanding themselves. This study is not about if we are saved, though it may reveal that, the intention is to provide us with the sure footedness of the workings of our Salvation.

About ‘Is Eternal, Eternal:

The act, working, and works of Salvation is for most Christians the viewpoint given to them by others. Unfortunately, many Christians lack firsthand knowledge of scripture, which often results in them fearing to share their faith with others because of their lack of confidence, knowledge, and understanding themselves. This study is not about if one is saved, though it may reveal that, the intention is to provide us with the sure footedness of the workings of our Salvation.

  • Chapter 1: The Sin On My Mind
  • Chapter 2:Working for or Because
  • Chapter 3:Grace, Mercy, Faith
  • Chapter 4:Is Eternal, Eternal?


“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:35

HerWomensHub.com is an online community for Christian and non-Christian women. Providing real solutions to real life problems all from a biblical perspective. Our community offers encouragement, insights, and inspirational stories. Find devotionals recipes, get ministry tools, discuss taboo topics, prayer, devotionals, and life application of the word of God.


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